1200 video on YouTube, with the increases, how Paris Hilton, the next fastest Smartphones hackers' paradise may be clear as a cell phone password and high instances of fraud phones for cutting.
The level of coordination and access to data so attractive Smartphones hackers and fraudsters, are a laptop as a new model, with the increases, but it is much easier to use. E-mail accounts and often complete copies of the bank or corporate network access systems across the country are stored on the Smartphones, the opportunities for criminals to create a virtual seventh heaven.
The case of identity fraud in 2008, two-thirds, Experian, according to Rose. "Most mobile phones are just a simple 4-digit code that are not just for this job," Colin Allison, CEO says PINoptic ", the amount of information with most of the stored on mobile devices only a matter of time Before a serious breach of security. "
Security is an image authentication PINoptic a user based on an alternative that more than 37 times more than the latest products is a new product is safe. This is cheaper and an easy solution for the implementation of the security of mobile fraud to almost zero by hackers can be done.
The statistical PINoptic you "to a solution to 10 the number of a good look with your PIN, which are the time to understand." Allison says.
INoptic allows Reused which can be easily remembered for a memorable picture password users. If the user to enter''to appear on the screen, is where the images associated with accidental or numbers and letters. Related letters or numbers, which are the same password in order right from entering the picture with.
1 comment:
注目ファッションブランドの【ANNASUI】アナスイ iphoneケースは、持っていませんか。海外セレブにも愛用者が多数いてる人気ブランドです。アナスイらしいミステリなパープル色使いとバタフライロゴが可愛くて女性におすすめです。地球がロゴであるヴィヴィアン iphone ケースが、独特でお洒落です。反逆性とエレガンスを兼ね備えたアヴァンギャルドなデザインで知られる。ますます流行っていくなりますよ。今すぐ注意を払おう。
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